Nicole's Social Media Blog

Archive for February 15th, 2011

Image Credit “Number 6″ By NJ Real Estate Wire”
  1. What did you learn?
  2. What surprised you?
  3. What do you want to know more about?

Social media, friend or foe?

There are many opinions about social media. Most people think it is awesome, some, like my brother, think it is a conspericacy, a way for the Government to keep tabs on everybody.

While watching the podcast of Social Media, Friend or Foe? with Ragan, Holtz, and others, I was glad to find out all of the different perspectives about social media.

I thought it was very interesting that Ragan was almost anti-social media. It was like he thought that social media was a conspiracy. In a way, I can understand his perspective because social media has taken over in almost every way.

We use social media for EVERYTHING. To keep up with friends, make professional connections,  network, business reputations, etc. It is crazy how much we depend on social media. We are now to the point that some business relay on their social media reputation to stay in the game.

From this podcast I was able to learn more efficient ways to use social media. Knowing how to effectively use different social media for different reasons is important. Facebook is used for friends. LinkedIn is for professional connections. And Twitter is used for keeping up with what is going on with business or famous people.

There are so many different social media channels and they all have their own purpose. I feel that a lot of the issues that were talked about in the podcast were about what social media is right for what reason.

I want to know more about how to show that social media is actully effective for businesses. What thinking process do businesses use when trying to figure out ways to break through the norm of social media.

Overall, I am glad I watched this podcast. It was very interesting and helpful.



February 2011
